Kongsvingers GC – Hickory Committee

Kongsvingers GC - Hickory Committee

Welcomes you to the 3rd International Liermoen Hickory Golf Tournaments

Kongsvinger – Norway, 15th – 16th of July 2023

The Liermoen Hickory Golf Tournaments will take place over 2 days

Saturday 15th of July: 
Start: 12:00 hrs. 

Peter Nordwall’s Hickory Challenge, 18 holes Stableford with hickory hcp,
front nine Greensome Foursome and back nine Fourball Bestball.

Sunday 16th 0f July:
Start: 10:00 hrs.

Liermoen Hickory Invitational, 18 holes stroke play competition, followed by lunch and a prize-giving ceremony. Net- & gross score-prizes will be given.

The competitions are open to all golfers with a valid golf club membership and will be played with hickory-shafted clubs made before 1935. Dress code accordingly is recommended. 

To sign up for the Liermoen Hickory Golf Tournaments, please send an e-mail with the enclosed
entry form by 1st of July at the latest to ggg@kongsvingergolf.no / cmaeland@online.no.

Due to limited access to e-mail addresses to Hickory Golfers throughout Europe, I appreciate the help in forwarding this invitation to your fellow Hickory Golfers.

Please contact me directly if you have any questions.

Warmest Hickory Regards

Claus Mæland, Norway +47 928 62 048

cmaeland@online.no / ggg@kongsvingergolf.no

Liermoen Hickory Golfers

Kongsvingers Golf Club



Dag 1.
15.juli '23

Peter Nordwall’s Hickory Challenge.

Stableford 18 hulls parturnering m/ hickory hcp. 

12:00 : Velkommen,turneringsinfo. & lunch.

13:00 : Greensome Foursome, front 9

est. 15:30 : Fourball – Bestball, back 9

Dag 2.
16.juli '23

Liermoen Hickory Invitational. 

10:00 : Individuell slagkonkurranse 18 hull m/ hickory hcp.

15:00 : Premiering og lunch før avreise.


  1. Turneringen er åpen for norske og utenlandske spillere med offisielt handicap og med registrert medlemskap i golfklubb.
  2. Spill er kun tillatt med treskaftede golfklubber m/ lærgrep og klubbehoder fra før 1935 i opprinnelig eller renovert stand.
  3. Det forventes at deltagerne er kledd i tidsriktig bekledning.
  4. Turneringen spilles etter R&A’s regler for amatørstatus, men moderne hjelpemidler som avstandsmålere (GPS, laser, kikkert etc.) er ikke tillatt.
  5. Herrer spiller fra blå tee og damer fra rød tee.
  6. På to av banens lengste hull tildeles damer et ekstra slag. Dvs. at hull 3 og hull 12 spilles som par 6 hull for damer.
  7. Hickory hcp: Spillerens offisielle WHS-hcp + 40% hickory tillegg og avrundes opp eller ned til nærmeste heltall. Banens slope rating benyttes ikke.
  8. Plukk opp ballen etter maks 10 slag pr. hull og dette noteres i scorekortet.

Entry form
Liermoen Hickory Golf Tournament
The 15th – 16th of July 2023

To sign up for the tournament, please send an e-mail with the entry form enclosed by the 1st of July at the latest to: ggg@kongsvingergolf.no / cmaeland@online.no

Day 1 : Tournament fee incl. green fee. Cost pr. person NOK 400,-
Day 2 : Tournament fee incl. green fee. Cost pr. person NOK 400,-

Requested playing partner day 1

Velkommen til Liermoen og
Kongsvingers Golfklubb.

Vi er stolte av å presentere en av nordens beste skogsbaner, en fullverdig 18 hulls golfbane i et vakkert skogsterreng omgitt av åpne og lyse furumoer, tilrettelagt og bygget under ledelse av den svenske banearkitekten Peter Nordwall og hans beskrivelse av området er:

«I løpet av mine år som golfspiller og golfbane-arkitekt har jeg i Skandinavia ikke sett et område som har så fine og naturlige forutsettninger for en førsteklasses golfbane som på Liermoen.  Topografi og jordsmonn minner meg mye om de ondulerte sanddynene langs kysten av Storbritania og de sandbaserte hedene sydvest for London».

Banen byr på stillhet, naturopplevelser og utfordringer for spillere på alle nivåer, og med god plass mellom de enkelt fairways.  Det finnes ingen out of bounds markeringer og det er tilnærmet umulig å oppleve en plugget ball på fairway pga. områdets naturlige drenering. De fleste baner har noen få hull som kan karakteriseres som signaturhull, men på Liermoen har du mange  å velge mellom  når du skal velge ditt favoritthull.  Den er stemt fram i regi av World Golf Award som Norges beste golfbane i 2022 og totalt hele 8 ganger.

Kongsvingers første golfklubb ble opptatt av Norges Golfforbund i 1988 og hadde sin første par 3, 9   hulls bane på dyrket mark i Liermoens nærområde.  Grunnet økonomiske problemer ble  Kongsvinger Golfklubb reetablert i 2011/-12.

Nåværende golfbanens  første 9 hull ble åpnet for spill i 2005 og de siste 9 ble åpnet i 2009. Den består av fem par 3 hull, åtte par 4 hull og fem par 5 hull.  Banens totale lengder er:  6248 mtr. fra hvit tee, 5833 mtr. fra gul tee, 5417 mtr. fra blå tee og 5121 mtr. fra rød tee.


Alt fra campingovernatting til hotell og spa – Se mulighetene her

A short summary in English for our foreign guests Kongsvinger Hickory Committee welcomes you to our 3nd International Hickory Golf Tournaments in modern times at Kongsvingers Golf Club - Norway. The 15th – 16th of July 2023.

The Kongsvinger GC was for the first time founded in 1988 and the present golf course is located on Liermoen, and is designed by the well-known Swedish golf architect Peter Nordwall. The front 9 was opened in 2005 and the back 9 in 2009.

Peter quotes: “In all my years as a player and architect, have I never come across an area in Scandinavia better equipped for a first class championship golf course.  The topography and the sandy soil reminds me of the undulating dunes of sand along the south coast of England and the sandy areas of heather southwest of London, where you find some of the most fascinating and the best golf courses in the United Kingdom.”

The 18 hole golf course has been developed into a stunning course with lush undulating fairways cut through a natural pine forest with tall slender trees that surrounds every fairway.  Each hole has its own room in the forest with its own character and challenge. Playing the golf course is like having a private walk in the pine forest of Liermoen, with no out of bounds or plugged balls on the fairway.

Kongsvinger Golf Club is located 80 km east of Oslo Airport (OLS), the main airport of Norway and 30 km from the Swedish boarder.

Liermoen is located on historical ground of great impotence for the independent Norway as of today and is located along the ancient main road between Christiana (Oslo) in Norway and Stockholm in Sweden. Liermoen is the forest surrounding the Lier Estate witch can be traced back to the Bronze Age (550 – 1050 a.c.).  Kongsvinger Fortress have been for over 200 years a part of the Norwegian defense against  Sweden and the fortress most important forward defense was Lier Bastion located on the Lier Estate.  Several war battles have taken place her and the Norwegian Defense, Department of Culture and Tradition  (FAKT) have recreated two historical war battles from 1808 and 1814 in 2008 and 2014 on Lier Bastion, Liermoen. Sweden conquered us and occupied the Lier Bastion in 1808 and in 1814 we won and pushed the Swedish forces back across the border. In 1905 the Norwegian Defense had forces positioned at Lier Bastion during the negotiations with Sweden for a free and independent Norway.

The Liermoen Hickory Golf Tournaments will take place over 2 days. The first day will be The Peter Nordwall’s Hickory Challenge, 18 hole Stableford w/ hickory hcp. Front nine: Greensome Foursome and back nine: Fourball Bestball.

The second day will be The Liermoen Hickory Invitational, 18 hole stroke play competition w/ hickory hcp. followed by lunch and a price ceremony before departure.

To sign up for the Liermoen Hickory Golf Tournaments, please send an e-mail with the enclosed entry form by 1st  of July at the latest, to: ggg@kongsvingergolf.no / cmaeland@online.no.

The invitation is open to all golfers with a valid golf club membership, the competition will be played with original hickory clubs from before 1935 and dress code accordingly is recommended.

Status Kongsvingers Golfklubb

Banen : Stengt
Driving range : Åpen
Treningsområde : Åpent
Greenfee 18 hull, mandag - torsdag: kr. 580
Greenfee 18 hull, fredag - søndag: kr. 750

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